
The Eggplant: King of Vegetables

The incredible eggplant is delicious and eaten worldwide in a variety of dishes. No wonder it’s The King of Vegetables!

Eggplants are not vegetables; they are actually berries.

Like tomatoes, potatoes and peppers, eggplant is a member of the nightshade family of plants. They are high in fiber and low in calories (only 20 calories per cup), making them filling. Their absorbent flesh will soak up as much oil as you pour on it, so it’s healthiest to dry roast them.

Eggplant has by far the highest level of nicotine of any vegetable.

Eggplants contain a fair amount of nasunin. This powerful antioxidant protects the lipids surrounding brain cell membranes, keeping free radicals out and your head healthy. However, they also contain a chemical called solanine, which could be a culprit in arthritis pain.

The eggplant is believed to have originated in India, where it is considered to be the King of Vegetables.

Thomas Jefferson is credited with bringing the first eggplant cultivar (a plant variety produced through cultivation) to the United States in the 18th century.

People in the U.K. called them aubergines. The word “aubergine” goes all the way back to the ancient Indian language Sanskrit.

Japan even has a proverb about eggplant: “The happiest omen for a New Year is first Mount Fuji, then the falcon, and lastly eggplant.”

Quick recipe:

Skin eggplant and slice into ½-inch thick pieces. Place on cooking sheet; brush both sides of the slice with olive oil if desired. Broil until golden brown. To make baba ganoush, add tahini and garlic and blend in food processor with juice of one lemon and salt to taste. Or just add parsley, basil or capers and eat as is.

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