If you’re in your 40s, your breasts may suddenly get bigger. In fact, it’s quite common for the size, shape, and feel of your breasts to change around midlife. For example, they might grow bigger, get lumpier, or feel extra sensitive.
How dramatic the transformation is varies widely and is often closely tied to shifts in your menstrual cycle. At this time in your life, you’re reaching a phase called perimenopause. During perimenopause, your ovaries become smaller and produce less estrogen. This phase can last from about age 45 to 55 years, but can also happen earlier or later.1
These hormonal ups and downs during perimenopause can translate to changes in your menstrual cycle.2 They can also cause changes to your breasts after age 40, as can gaining weight (also common around this time) and simply getting older. Learn more about why your breasts may suddenly get bigger—and change in other ways—in your 40s.
Why Do Breasts Grow Bigger With Age?
It’s not age that makes your breasts grow bigger. It’s weight gain—and people may gain weight as they age.
Maintaining your weight can help your breasts remain the size you’ve become accustomed to. It can also ease tenderness and sensitivity. Plus, exercise can positively affect estrogen levels, helping you keep unwanted weight off.3
At the end of your 40s and beyond, you may actually notice your breasts changing in the opposite way. At menopause, it’s normal to lose fat, tissue, and glands in your breasts, which can make them appear smaller and less full.4
Here are five other breast changes you might experience in your 40s and ways to prevent, slow, and manage them.
Your Breasts Become Extra Sensitive
As you work through perimenopause, your menstrual cycle may change. Your cycle could become longer or shorter than usual, and you may skip periods.2 As each period nears, PMS might hit in a big way.
Tender and sensitive breasts are relatively common before and during perimenopause. The pain is generally described as a heaviness, tightness, discomfort, or burning sensation in the breast tissue. It can occur in only one breast or both.5
While you can’t stop your hormonal clock, you might be able to ease painful breasts in other ways:5
- Modify your diet: You can start by reducing or eliminating how much tea, coffee, chocolate, and carbonated soft drinks you have. You may also see benefits from following a low-fat diet high in vitamins and fiber. Physical activity may also positively affect how your body makes and uses estrogen. Don’t skip the workout if your breasts are feeling tender. Just take it easy and be proud you’re exercising.
- Use hot and cold compresses: Try this technique before bedtime, especially if you have problems getting restorative sleep due to sore breasts.
- Use pain medication: You may see relief from ibuprofen or acetaminophen and NSAIDs. Pain medication can be applied to the skin of the tender area (topically) or taken as a pill (orally).
- Wear a well-fitting sports bra: A good sports bra can help minimize, contain, and support your breasts to reduce pain.
If these remedies aren’t working, talk to a healthcare provider. Prescription medications are also available to treat breast soreness.
Your Breasts May Begin To Sag
You probably won’t see too much sagging in your 40s. Serious deflation doesn’t usually occur until your 50s, when you’re postmenopausal and estrogen levels are at a low. The loss of connective tissue at this time is the main reason for this change. Loss of tissue means less elasticity and more sagging.4
The skin over your breasts provides structural support. In your mid-20s, breast skin elasticity starts to decline; at about 45 years, you also start to lose skin thickness. These changes lead to decreased support, aka sagging.6
You also have ligaments that help support your breasts. These ligaments are called Cooper ligaments. Over time and with age, these ligaments become stretched, resulting in sagging.7
These changes are purely aesthetic, but if they’re bothering you, strengthening the muscles behind your breasts can help reduce the appearance of sag. What’s also helpful in making you (temporarily) look perkier and feel more comfortable? A super-supportive bra.
More Breast Lumps and Bumps Appear
Breast changes can happen at any age. However, changes in the fibrous tissue of your breasts and/or cysts—fibrocystic changes—are very common in your 30s or 40s.8
You might notice that your breasts feel lumpier, which is generally nothing to worry about as long as the changes are similar in both breasts. It’s also normal for your breasts to feel progressively bumpier as your period approaches.8
When you’re nearing menopause, you may also notice changes. Breast lumps are common around this time and are usually noncancerous.4
When in doubt—or if you suddenly find a lump that wasn’t there last month or doesn’t diminish after your period starts—see a healthcare provider to check it out.
Breast Density Might Change
Breast density isn’t something you can feel. It refers to the amount of fat you have versus the amount of denser tissue like glands and ducts. Getting a mammogram is the only way to know if you have dense breasts.9
Dense breasts are pretty common. About half of all people with breasts aged 40 years and older who get a mammogram have dense breasts. Hormone therapy during menopause and a low body mass index is associated with higher breast density. Getting older and having children may lower breast density.9
Breast density is important because it makes it harder for radiologists to spot cancer on a mammogram, and density in and of itself seems to raise the risk of breast cancer.9 If you don’t already know if you have dense breasts, ask a healthcare provider. (The info should come with your mammogram report.)
You should also ask if you’re a candidate for an ultrasound if you’re concerned about breast cancer. About one in eight mammograms will have a false-negative result when cancer is present but not detected on the test. People with dense breasts are more likely to get a false-negative result.10
Breasts Become More Prone to Cancer
Whether you have dense breasts or not, your risk of developing breast cancer rises as you age.11 Getting screened for breast cancer can help you spot changes in an early stage. The first mammogram is important because it gives doctors a reference for comparison if any changes are seen later in life.
Talk to your healthcare provider in your 40s about when and how often you should get screening mammograms. As of May 2023, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that cisgender women and people assigned female at birth get mammograms every two years beginning at age 40. This is 10 years earlier than the current guidelines.12
Here are tips for how you can be proactive about your health to help lower your risk of developing breast cancer:13
- Ask your healthcare provider about the risks of medications, including hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills
- Avoid alcohol or drink in moderation
- Be physically active
- Breastfeed, if accessible and possible
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Talk to your healthcare provider if you have a family history of breast cancer, specifically changes in your BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
Breast self-exams seem to have become a thing of the past. Self-exams aren’t necessary because they haven’t been proven to save lives.14 They can also lead to unnecessary procedures and worry.
At the very least, practice breast “self-awareness.” This simply means paying close attention to what your breasts look and feel like to alert your healthcare provider to any breast changes after age 40.
A Quick Review
As you reach the age of 40 years and approach perimenopause, hormonal changes will cause changes to your breasts. Besides noting changes in your breasts’ size, shape, and elasticity, you might also notice more bumps and lumps.
Aging comes with an increased risk of breast cancer. Aside from being proactive about your health, it’s also important to keep up to date on breast exams and screening mammograms. Early detection is vital to treatment.